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Frequently Asked Questions About Best Buy Greensboro

How do I check product availability at the Greensboro Best Buy?
How do I check my order status?
My local Greensboro Best Buy store and BestBuy.com ran out of the item I want. Is there another way to get it?
I bought a gift that requires service/installation. When can I expect that to be scheduled?
What are Best Buy Greensboro stores’ holiday hours?

Recent Reviews

(5601 reviews)
Raheem k
October 15, 2019
5 out of 5
Jon S
October 14, 2019
4 out of 5
Loved that they have survived the Amazon juggernaut. Often times you need to feel or see an item before you buy or you just need it NOW. I wish so many of the products weren't locked down, requiring assistance that isn't always available. I get it (loss prevention, upselling) but it's why I gave 4 rather than 5 stars.
Dustin J
October 13, 2019
3 out of 5
I call it best try, because I end up purchasing online.
Robert L
October 13, 2019
2 out of 5
I've been to this best buy twice to buy gaming laptops and nobody comes to help me. Might be discriminated as I come to the store with a tshirt and shorts. I arrived 10/12/19 at 11:33 AM went to the computer section to browse. The only contact I had was with one lady asking if I needed help initially, I declined as I am tech savy. I was browsing the various laptops and found one that I like but not the specs I was looking for. I was looking for someone to check if they had a specific model since the specs weren't listed on one of the info cards but it was listed online as in stock. The only guy working in the computer area ignored me and went to another customer even when I tried to wave him down. I went back to the same lady and she looked it up for me. I tried to pay with paypal but that isn't an option at checkout so I had to order using online pickup. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to add an employee that helped with the process, I would of added the lady that helped me. I'm not sure if sales works on commission or not but it would of been nice to add her. I left and ordered using my phone and went to go eat. I came back at 12:29 pm and picked up my laptop. The guy working at pickup didn't look to see what I ordered and picked up some random item from the shelf and started asking for my id multiple times. I told him that I bought a laptop, he went back to get it which took sometime. I showed him my id and left at 12:37 pm. If sales does work on commission they sure left some money on the table when they ignored me. Laptop was $1,814.74 and I'm an elite best buy member as well. Feels bad that if they worked on commission that no one got this easy money.

About Best Buy Greensboro
