
Best Buy Northbrook

1072 Willow Rd
Northbrook, IL 60062
Services Offered

Frequently Asked Questions About Best Buy Northbrook

How do I check product availability at the Northbrook Best Buy?
How do I check my order status?
My local Northbrook Best Buy store and BestBuy.com ran out of the item I want. Is there another way to get it?
I bought a gift that requires service/installation. When can I expect that to be scheduled?
What are Best Buy Northbrook stores’ holiday hours?

Recent Reviews

(940 reviews)
Allison S
October 09, 2019
5 out of 5
Great help picking out a new computer from Ken!
Brian S
October 06, 2019
5 out of 5
Nick sold us a wonderful TV, very knowledgeable. Maks helped us load our 55" into our Kia Optima and it fit perfectly!
Wally L
October 02, 2019
1 out of 5
When buying open box make sure Check serial number and match it with the box and receipt before leaving the store. I got cheated on Lg TV 3 days after I got it I tried exchanging for bigger size there prices was $600 more then ABT so I told the manager to return it for me. He refused to. When I asked what’s the reason he said the serial number not matching. BEFORE LEAVING THE STORE I MADE POLICE REPORT. JUST IN CASE NEVER AGAIN BEST BUY NOTE TO SELF CHECK AND MATCH NUMBERS BEFORE LEAVING THAT STORE.
Patrick H
September 28, 2019
5 out of 5
Even though I came in 30 min before closing the staff was eager to help and very friendly

About Best Buy Northbrook
