
Best Buy Costa Mesa

901 S Coast Dr
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 434-0132
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Frequently Asked Questions About Best Buy Costa Mesa

How do I check product availability at the Costa Mesa Best Buy?
How do I check my order status?
My local Costa Mesa Best Buy store and BestBuy.com ran out of the item I want. Is there another way to get it?
I bought a gift that requires service/installation. When can I expect that to be scheduled?
What are Best Buy Costa Mesa stores’ holiday hours?

Recent Reviews

(3428 reviews)
Alison W
August 21, 2010
1 out of 5
I usually buy from Best Buy because I love the computer warranty they offer. Turns out, it is just a sham as they can claim a virus and then they don't have to fix it. I took my computer to them and they told me I had 300+ viruses on it and they offered to fix it for a fee. I decided to pay someone smarter to fix it, if indeed there were that many viruses on it, so I took it to our company's IT guy who specializes in viruses and also legal hacking (at the request of businesses). Turns out there wasn't a single virus - All he had to do was run some updates and everything went back to normal. My computer barely worked and now it is perfect. Thank goodness I didn't waste money paying the Geek Squad to take off 300 imaginary viruses. When I told them, they said that my IT guy was wrong (and he gets paid 10 times what they are likely paid) and it made no difference that my computer was now working. The biggest problem I have with them now is that I'm worried that any time I have a computer issue they will claim it is a virus. I'd be better off "accidentally" dropping my computer in the pool and collecting the accidental insurance on it than taking it back to the Geek Squad for repairs.
Dimitri K
September 02, 2010
1 out of 5
I will never buy here again--I'm too lazy to go into details but the customer service is god awful. the managers don't care and the delivery/installation work is subcontracted to morons!!!
Anthony B
October 16, 2019
5 out of 5
Whent to pickup my electronic order. The customer service were outstanding.
daniel f
October 12, 2019
1 out of 5
Customer sevice is very racist, the look spanish people like 🗑except for one of the guy. Never go back except that person is there.

About Best Buy Costa Mesa
